Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Merry Christmas--You bitch!

Santa is bringing everyone their ARM adjustments this year. I know a few people who have an ARM and they are in trouble. My brother in Law’s family has disowned him and his wife for Xmas. His wife, my wife’s sister, did not want to help them out in their time of need. She is so cruel and selfish. She is worth nothing because she is kicking a family 5 out on the street. What a horrible person. She is the Grinch who stole their ARM.

Well 1st off my bro in laws family is sort of illegal. His brother and wife are illegal and their 3 children were born on this side of the border. They purchased a house in poorer part of Riverside, CA which is depreciating really really really fast. During the boom the Father was in construction and he made some good money so his wife did not have to work. Since they were in the money they took out a loan to remodel the house.

2 years later the loan is about to adjust and they want to refinance. The Fathers job is sketchy and the Mother is still not working. With todays standards they are unable to get a loan without a cosigner. They asked my sister in law to be the cosigner.

My sister in law does not make that much money. She is well entrenched in the lower middle class. She does not have kids of her own and everyone on her husband’s side thinks they are rich because of that. She is very conservative with her money and has never asked ANYONE for anything.

So, when she said no to cosigning, her in-laws went nutz. They are upset with her and have disowned her. The family has been using cards just to eat. They have not learned to save money. They are spending a ton of cash at the mall for gifts and every thing is about status.

With no savings, a sketchy job, and illegal status how are they guys supposed to keep their house. The family has been here for over 10 years. They have not bothered to go to school, learn English, or make life better for their children. Everything has been keeping up with the Jones (In this case the Quiroz’s).

I am so upset with that family right now. My sis in law has been so good to them. She has helped them out through the years. She LOVES those children as if they were her own. She has never asked them for anything in return. Now she is getting spit on for being responsible. She is the one that will be stuck with that loan when they get foreclosed on. All they have to do is go back to Mexico and forget about the bad nightmare of Sub prime. They have taken such advantage of my brother in law. I am so proud that they have finally stood up to say no!

The end coming and those who are not prepared will be swallowed up. My sister in law is making a good choice in preparing for HER future. She is not the selfish one, she is the smart one. Her sacrifice will let her and her Husband eat and stay warm when times get hard. Why should she let her in-laws drag her down into STUPID DEBT? She saves as much as she can while they spend all they can. I don’t understand the animosity going on. Let the house foreclose and rent something nice. It’s going back to the bank sometime soon anyway.

What a bitch!

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