Wednesday, January 30, 2008


After a .50 rate cut the dow dropped. :) Is everyone happy now? Can we now move along and get this recession started? Why dont they just cut the rates down to 0%??? That would make me happy.

Hell even if mortgage rates dropped that low a few people I know, STILL wouldnt be able to afford their jobs!

Inflation is out of control. I am afraid to leave the house now. Wheres my damn rebate check!!!

Anyway someone told me that in Mexico it is way worse. I expect more people to be running across the border looking for jobs. I expect the compition to wash dishes and clean your toilets to heat up. I predict that one day the Tom Joads will be cleaning up after you. I predict that whatever happens here, will happen 100 times worse down in Mexico.

Just wait until Americans loose jobs. Wait till the rebate checks dry up. Wait till America is starving. We dont need an immigration plan because no one will want to be here. There will be no money to send home anyway.
Problems in the U.S. housing market, though, are already being felt in Mexico as the growth of remittances from Mexicans in the U.S. is slowing along with the U.S. construction industry.
Remittances rose 2 percent in August from a year earlier, the smallest increase since the government began tracking the figures in 1995.

Mexicans need to protest their own government! They need to stand up and demand a better education system. They need to go home and make THEIR country better instead of leeching off ours! I know they are hard working people who just want a better life but they can have it in Mexico. 100 years of corruption has pushed the people to flee into our country and Mexico blames us for it.

If Mexicans are starving now, what are they going to do when Americans get hungry?

Monday, January 28, 2008


Jerome Kerviel, the trader charged by French judges over the loss of 4.9 billion euros ($7.2 billion) at Societe Generale SA, told prosecutors that Europe's largest futures exchange queried the bank about its trades as early as November.

Wow and he supposedly didnt make a profit off all that. Sucker!

Word on the street.

1200 is not enough! I have heard it from about 20 people so far ( yeah thats a huge sampling huh) that this Stimulus Package is not enough money. At the gym I heard a guy talking about how his mortgage was 2000 bucks and he needs more cash. I just wanted to hit him and say buy a house you can afford.

Welfare lady at work said that would only last a few weeks with her 20 kids. Crazy drug guy was happy he could pay some of his bills. Ms Snooty Snot said she didnt care just give me the money.

This package is going to help for about a minute. I am going to pay down some of my stupid debt at the expense of yall. I know it sucks, but Im going to take my money and run.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Give me some of that cash!


Dodd Seeks U.S. Program to Buy `Distressed' Mortgages
By Alison Vekshin
Jan. 23 (Bloomberg) -- Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd proposed a federal program to buy loans at steep discounts as part of an effort to help homeowners avert foreclosures in the wake of the subprime mortgage crisis.

Ok that is fine and dandy but what about me? Cant you give me like 800k to buy a nice little house? I swear I will put in like 10k for a down payment? Im good for it!

Why are they bothering to try to bail out all these people. Its lost, the value of housing cannot stay as high as it is. I am a young (sorta) professional with a decent job (for now) and I cant afford a decent house?

I almost bought at the top a 400k house and was outbid. I am glad I ran into sites like and people like Peter Schiff. I made a lucky decsion not to get into the housing market and it seems like the wrong one. I should have bought that 500k 1 bedroom condo. It seems the govenerment would want to help me if I had done it.

Well F the Government and their housing welfare I dont need it, Im an American! I will trudge away at my job (before they lay me off) and will continue to save and make prudent decisions in my life. When hard times hit I will hit them back with hard work like Americans have always done.

This bust will be a good thing I think. It will bring Americans back to reality and show us what we are really made of. Depression/Stagflation will suck but it will make our country great again when we cut off all the bad limbs of the past few decades. America can be great again.

Oh yeah, If I was mega rich, I would just laugh off this post, fly to cannes and have a good time. Being poor sucks! Viva Money!


I hate this argument. Who is right? Im no economist but I have seen the prices of food go up. My raises are small, when I get them. Gas seems to be going down, it is cheaper than my milk now. I see housing going down but not down far enough.

I read the blogs all day long (instead of getting 2 more jobs to support my 20 kids) and am really scared of what is going to happen. Everyone has their ideas and I dont know who is right.

Do I buy gold? Do I save cash? Do I get into stocks? I am so confused. I just hope to make it through the coming hardships and have enough money to grow old (in my 20 bedroom house) and die happy (with my 10 BMW's and mountains of gold).

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Happy Days!!!

Yeah Helicopter Ben saved our asses again! Instead of a 600 pt drop it was only 120!!! Whew I sure am glad he is on our side. Now I will go out and buy that 900,000 studio condo I saw in the newspaper last nite!

The Nikkei only dropped about 750 pts, thats cause those asians arent as cool and sophisticated like us yo! They are too poor to buy Bentlys and cool ass condos like us rich Americans yo! If they were as smart as us, they would have more cool junk.

Anyway Im off to the store now where a gallon of milk is now 3.99. Hey, but gas has dropped to around 3.07 a gallon. Hmm maybe I will put gasoline on my corn flakes, that would get the old colon moving!

F inflation, F being poor, and F the housing bubble--cause I really want to move the hell out of here!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Ask not

I am a middle class married male with no children and renting. I have been waiting to buy a house for 5 years now. I almost jumped into a crazy over priced house due to the presure of realtors and ignorant people. I am glad I told Suzanne to F off!

Anyway, I work with a lot of people on welfare. They like to complain how their job sucks and they should get more pay. Most of these people are ex gang members, ex cons, and just stupid ass lazy. All the time they spend bitching about how bad their job is could be used to get an education and move up.

One lady was a temp worker and could not get hired on by the company. She had lied about getting her High School Diploma and then she had a few driving tickets that she had not cleared up. She bitched and moaned that it was unfair and why wouldnt the company hire her.

Apparently to her personal responsiblity was not a big deal. She could have cleared up those tickets but instead she denied it and kept driving without a license and bitching how unfair it was to her. The company refused to hire due to character issues and finally let her go from her Temp position.

I pay a BUTTLOAD of money to drive! I have to pay my stupid car tags every stinking year and my stupid insurance. That is a ton of cash I could use for other things and this BITCH is driving around in her new Durango complaining WIC isnt giving her enough money.

It sucks to see all these people getting away with being irresponsible. I have my savings, I have my investments, I have my cash and I have nothing to show for it. Im sure all that is going down the toilet cause our great governerment is pandering to the ignorant poor.

I dont ask for much. I want good roads to drive to work (so I pay gas taxes which they steal). I want a nice place to live(I pay rent and the owner pays property taxes). I want a safe country (I pay fed taxes to pay for guns an bullets for the millitary). I dont want a hand out or my tax money to go to stupid people who will squander it all! All I want is to keep the money I HAVE SLAVED for. F the poor and the stupid.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Strike Your Out!

Maersk Distribution's (Formally Hudd Distro) drivers are on strike for better pay. Maersk has a family of businesses around the world dedicated to shipping, oil, and trucking. The New Year brought a new contract for the drivers.

They had been striking for the past couple weeks. At first they were blocking Hudd/Maersk buildings and not letting any containers flow. Security was called in and all that stopped.

The rumors are all over the place that its over and that its not over. I have not seen one single news post on this. This has affectected distribution for majors like Target, Kohls, and Walmart.

If anyone has any info or rumors please let me know cause this is looking bad