Friday, January 18, 2008

Ask not

I am a middle class married male with no children and renting. I have been waiting to buy a house for 5 years now. I almost jumped into a crazy over priced house due to the presure of realtors and ignorant people. I am glad I told Suzanne to F off!

Anyway, I work with a lot of people on welfare. They like to complain how their job sucks and they should get more pay. Most of these people are ex gang members, ex cons, and just stupid ass lazy. All the time they spend bitching about how bad their job is could be used to get an education and move up.

One lady was a temp worker and could not get hired on by the company. She had lied about getting her High School Diploma and then she had a few driving tickets that she had not cleared up. She bitched and moaned that it was unfair and why wouldnt the company hire her.

Apparently to her personal responsiblity was not a big deal. She could have cleared up those tickets but instead she denied it and kept driving without a license and bitching how unfair it was to her. The company refused to hire due to character issues and finally let her go from her Temp position.

I pay a BUTTLOAD of money to drive! I have to pay my stupid car tags every stinking year and my stupid insurance. That is a ton of cash I could use for other things and this BITCH is driving around in her new Durango complaining WIC isnt giving her enough money.

It sucks to see all these people getting away with being irresponsible. I have my savings, I have my investments, I have my cash and I have nothing to show for it. Im sure all that is going down the toilet cause our great governerment is pandering to the ignorant poor.

I dont ask for much. I want good roads to drive to work (so I pay gas taxes which they steal). I want a nice place to live(I pay rent and the owner pays property taxes). I want a safe country (I pay fed taxes to pay for guns an bullets for the millitary). I dont want a hand out or my tax money to go to stupid people who will squander it all! All I want is to keep the money I HAVE SLAVED for. F the poor and the stupid.

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